3 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe in a Natural Disaster

by Vipul Pawani 03/09/2025

Natural disasters are scary for humans and pets. Animals can sense our stress levels and the more stressed we are, the worse they feel. That's why it's crucial to prepare for the possibility of a disaster so you and your pet can manage it safely and calmly. Here are some tips for how to keep your pets safe during a natural disaster:

Pack an Emergency Bag

Just like humans, pets have basic needs during an emergency. If you have an emergency kit for your household, include supplies for your pet to keep them healthy and comfortable. Some things to include in your pet emergency bag include a first aid kit, bottled water and dry food, feeding dishes, cleaning supplies and bags for litter or waste. It's also a good idea to have an extra collar or leash available and a favorite toy or blanket to keep them calm.

Microchip Your Pets

Pet microchips can help you find your pets if you're separated from them in an emergency. Your vet can insert them during any routine procedure, but it's most commonly done under anesthesia at a young age when they're spayed or neutered. If your pets are not chipped, consider making an appointment to do so. The chips contain unique ID numbers that correspond with your contact information in a national pet recovery database. If somebody finds your pet wandering during or after a disaster, a microchip will allow them to reunite you.

Familiarize Your Pets With Carriers & Crates

If a natural disaster occurs, you may end up keeping your pet in a crate, kennel or carrier for protection. Work on establishing a positive connection to the crate or carrier in advance of an emergency so your pet is more comfortable with it. Try placing food or a toy inside the crate to entice them inside and reward them with a treat for positive reinforcement. The more comfortable a pet is with their crate, the easier it will be to put them inside it in a hurry, and the better they'll handle the emergency situation.

Preparing for a natural disaster means preparing to keep everyone in your family safe, including your pets. Use these tips to protect your furry friends in any emergency.

About the Author

Vipul Pawani

Vipul (Veep) M. Pawani, to his clients and friends, is an optimistic and upbeat agent who is assertive and exceptionally motivated to deliver on his clients’ goals. Exclusively serving Woodridge, Prince William County and, Fairfax County, Veep has experience in sales and marketing, which benefits his clients greatly. Currently partnering in a family business of hotel development, Veep draws upon his multifaceted corporate and professional skills when working with real estate. An area resident for 25 years, he credits the friendly people and the family atmosphere as a few reasons why it’s a great place to call home. He is active in his community and is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® The combination of Veep’s honest approach, commitment to customer satisfaction and his knack for business confirm the decisive edge. Professional and experienced, Veep Pawani is here to offer you nothing but top quality service, dedication and success in all of your real estate needs. My website has a ton of resources that can help you search for your new home. Feel free to use my website, free of charge and with no strings attached. If you need representation or just have any questions at all, I’m always here to help. Please call me today at 703-980-0249